Agencia Peruana de Noticias PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe Esta noche el Pleno del Congreso de la República aprobó esta noche el dictamen que, con texto sustitutorio, propone la reforma constitucional que restablece la bicameralidad en el Congreso de la República. Obtuvo 86 votos a favor, 35 votos en contra y 3 abstenciones.
De acuerdo con el artículo 206 de la Constitución Política del Estado, y al no haber obtenido una cifra superior a los dos tercios del número legal de congresistas, la reforma será ratificada mediante referéndum.
La iniciativa legislativa se sustenta en los Proyectos de Ley 660, 724, 792, 1044, 1091, 1334, 1655, 1708, 1746, 1750, 1959, 2004, 2025, 2053, 2085 y 2231/2021, a los cuales se le acumuló el 3779.
Fuente: Agencia Peruana de Noticias PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe
English translation
Plenary approves bicameral constitutional reform, but it will be submitted to a referendum when it does not reach two thirds of the votes.
Peruvian News Agency PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe Tonight the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic approved tonight the opinion that, with a substitute text, proposes the constitutional reform that restores bicamerality in Congress of the Republic. It obtained 86 votes in favor, 35 votes against and 3 abstentions.
In accordance with article 206 of the Political Constitution of the State, and since a figure greater than two thirds of the legal number of congressmen has not been obtained, the reform will be ratified by referendum.
The legislative initiative is based on Bills 660, 724, 792, 1044, 1091, 1334, 1655, 1708, 1746, 1750, 1959, 2004, 2025, 2053, 2085 and 2231/2021, to which it was accumulated the 3779.
Source: Peruvian News Agency PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe