Jefes de Estado de China y Perú inauguraron el megapuerto de Chancay, al que denominaron el nuevo camino inca marítimo.

Agencia Peruana de Noticias PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe La presidenta de la república, Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, y su homólogo de China, Xi Jinping, inauguraron hoy el puerto de Chancay, megaobra que consolidará al Perú como un centro logístico, tecnológico e industrial de clase mundial, y lo proyectará de manera estratégica en la región Asia Pacífico.

“Chancay, junto al aeropuerto Jorge Chávez, el puerto del Callao, el desarrollo de infraestructura ferroviaria, zonas económicas especiales y parques industriales; posicionará al Perú como un actor clave en el comercio global”, manifestó la mandataria peruana en la ceremonia de inauguración realizada en Palacio de Gobierno.

Agregó que Chancay es el camino inca que en algún momento unió al imperio que abarcó a toda América del Sur. “Chancay será ese inicio para que podamos hacer la travesía al mundo asiático y unir esos dos mundos inmensos”, afirmó la jefa de Estado.

Luego señaló que la primera etapa del megapuerto de Chancay, demandó una inversión de 1300 millones de dólares, y una vez iniciada sus operaciones aportaría hasta 0,9 puntos al PBI peruano.

“Su importancia es innegable. No solo conectará nuestros productos de manera más eficiente con los mercados asiáticos, sino que potenciará la competitividad del Perú, generando más empleos y dinamizando la economía”, enfatizó.

Destacó, además, que con el megapuerto de Chancay se les está brindando a nuestros latinoamericanos una puerta de conexión, en ambos sentidos, con la región Asia – Pacífico.

“Los invitamos a tener a Chancay como su puerta de conexión al mundo. El Perú los recibirá con los brazos abiertos, garantizando siempre la seguridad jurídica. Somos un socio confiable y hoy, con la inauguración del megapuerto de chancay, lo estamos ratificando”, remarcó.

En otro momento, la jefa de Estado destacó que China juega un rol gravitante en el crecimiento de nuestra economía. Recordó que en el 2013 se acordó formar una asociación estratégica integral, la misma que ha fortalecido nuestras relaciones bilaterales en materia de comercio, tecnología, infraestructura e innovación.

“China se ha convertido en nuestro principal socio comercial. Dicho país es destino de más del 36 % de nuestras exportaciones y origen de una inversión superior a los 30 000 millones de dólares, impactando positivamente en sectores claves como la minería y la infraestructura”, anotó.

Como parte de la agenda de la visita de Estado del presidente chino a nuestro país, ambos gobiernos firmaron la optimización del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) Perú-China.

Esta firma establece la incorporación de nuevos capítulos al acuerdo, entre los que destaca la política de competencia, comprometiendo a ambos países a adoptar leyes contra prácticas anticompetitivas para promover la eficiencia económica.

El comercio electrónico también se ve favorecido, asegurando que las empresas peruanas que ofrecen productos o servicios digitales en China no enfrenten restricciones para la transferencia de información ni exigencias de establecer servidores en el país asiático.

Por otra parte, se ha incluido el capítulo de la cooperación en la cadena global de suministro, el cual facilitará la simplificación de las actividades de comercio exterior, promoviendo el reconocimiento mutuo de documentos de transporte.

La visita de Estado que realiza el presidente chino Xi Jinping al Perú ha permitido que los mandatarios de ambos países reafirmen su compromiso con el desarrollo de proyectos de infraestructura de gran envergadura que impulsen el crecimiento económico y la integración regional.

Asimismo, manifestaron su voluntad de reforzar la cooperación aduanera entre la Administración General de Aduana China (GACC) y la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT), a fin de dinamizar la relación comercial bilateral.

De igual modo, acordaron fortalecer la cooperación en áreas como la economía digital, la innovación científica y tecnológica, la transformación digital y el intercambio de talentos científicos y tecnológicos.

Además, la transferencia de tecnología, la seguridad digital, y el desarrollo de tecnologías exponenciales como la inteligencia artificial, la robótica, el internet de las cosas (IoT), blockchain, analítica de datos, nanotecnología, telemedicina, entre otras.

En tanto, la parte china seguirá proporcionando asistencia económica y técnica al Perú en la medida de sus posibilidades y trabajará con el gobierno de la presidenta Boluarte a fin de promover el desarrollo económico y social sostenible del Perú.

Fuente: Agencia Peruana de Noticias PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe

Peruvian News Agency PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe The president of the republic, Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, and her Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, inaugurated today the port of Chancay, a mega project that will consolidate the Peru as a world-class logistics, technological and industrial center, and will project it strategically in the Asia Pacific region.

“Chancay, next to the Jorge Chávez airport, the port of Callao, the development of railway infrastructure, special economic zones and industrial parks; will position Peru as a key player in global trade,” said the Peruvian president at the inauguration ceremony held in the Government Palace.

He added that Chancay is the Inca trail that at one time united the empire that encompassed all of South America. “Chancay will be that beginning so that we can make the journey to the Asian world and unite those two immense worlds,” said the head of state.

He then pointed out that the first stage of the Chancay megaport required an investment of 1.3 billion dollars, and once its operations began, it would contribute up to 0.9 points to the Peruvian GDP.

“Its importance is undeniable. Not only will it connect our products more efficiently with Asian markets, but it will enhance Peru’s competitiveness, generating more jobs and boosting the economy,” he emphasized.

He also highlighted that with the Chancay megaport we are providing our Latin Americans with a connection door, in both directions, with the Asia-Pacific region.

“We invite you to have Chancay as your gateway to the world. Peru will receive them with open arms, always guaranteeing legal security. We are a reliable partner and today, with the inauguration of the Chancay megaport, we are ratifying it,” he noted.

At another time, the head of state highlighted that China plays a leading role in the growth of our economy. He recalled that in 2013 it was agreed to form a comprehensive strategic partnership, which has strengthened our bilateral relations in terms of trade, technology, infrastructure and innovation.

“China has become our main trading partner. Said country is the destination of more than 36% of our exports and the origin of an investment of more than 30 billion dollars, positively impacting key sectors such as mining and infrastructure,” he noted.

As part of the agenda of the Chinese president’s state visit to our country, both governments signed the optimization of the Peru-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

This signature establishes the incorporation of new chapters to the agreement, among which competition policy stands out, committing both countries to adopt laws against anti-competitive practices to promote economic efficiency.

He also highlighted that with the Chancay megaport we are providing our Latin Americans with a connection door, in both directions, with the Asia-Pacific region.

“We invite you to have Chancay as your gateway to the world. Peru will receive them with open arms, always guaranteeing legal security. We are a reliable partner and today, with the inauguration of the Chancay megaport, we are ratifying it,” he noted.

At another time, the head of state highlighted that China plays a leading role in the growth of our economy. He recalled that in 2013 it was agreed to form a comprehensive strategic partnership, which has strengthened our bilateral relations in terms of trade, technology, infrastructure and innovation.

“China has become our main trading partner. Said country is the destination of more than 36% of our exports and the origin of an investment of more than 30 billion dollars, positively impacting key sectors such as mining and infrastructure,” he noted.

As part of the agenda of the Chinese president’s state visit to our country, both governments signed the optimization of the Peru-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

This signature establishes the incorporation of new chapters to the agreement, among which competition policy stands out, committing both countries to adopt laws against anti-competitive practices to promote economic efficiency.

Electronic commerce is also favored, ensuring that Peruvian companies that offer digital products or services in China do not face restrictions on the transfer of information or demands to establish servers in the Asian country.

On the other hand, the chapter on cooperation in the global supply chain has been included, which will facilitate the simplification of foreign trade activities, promoting the mutual recognition of transport documents.

The state visit made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Peru has allowed the leaders of both countries to reaffirm their commitment to the development of large-scale infrastructure projects that promote economic growth and regional integration.

Likewise, they expressed their willingness to strengthen customs cooperation between the General Administration of Chinese Customs (GACC) and the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), in order to boost the bilateral trade relationship.

Likewise, they agreed to strengthen cooperation in areas such as the digital economy, scientific and technological innovation, digital transformation and the exchange of scientific and technological talents.

In addition, technology transfer, digital security, and the development of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of things (IoT), blockchain, data analytics, nanotechnology, telemedicine, among others.

Meanwhile, the Chinese side will continue to provide economic and technical assistance to Peru to the extent of its possibilities and will work with the government of President Boluarte in order to promote the sustainable economic and social development of Peru.

Source: Peruvian News Agency PRENSAPERU.PE Twitter: @prensaperupe

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